Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bedwetting And Learning Disabilities Bedwetting & ADHD: Is There A Connection?

Bedwetting & ADHD: is there a connection? - bedwetting and learning disabilities

Hello to all! ): But had another problem further with my recent diagnosis of ADHD (ADD). I found a co-morbidity interesting. "(Co-morbidity means only a symptom or a disorder that occurs in relation to another disorder).

As a small boy, I have to wet his bed at night, when to stop. From what I read of boys and girls, and bed-wetting, girls are much less likely to have children, but I did! : (

However, my research has also shown that children) with ADHD (boys or girls are more likely to suffer from the bed net for children who do not have ADHD. I think I will have flown under the radar "as a schoolgirl because my ADHD is not diagnosed before the age of 33. But see, in retrospect, "many red flags can be given in behavior.

And now, network, bed too! This will also prove (my psychologist and I), the diagnosis is correct. Do you have this problem, how children learn, and that you have ADHD? Or is it that their children have ADHD, this problem now?


Kristi C said...

I have a son, ADHD, bedwetting, sleepwalking, and basically most of which do not match "" Good Night Children's issues are somehow associated with ADHD.
Wet my bed until the child is 5 years old and still works asleep if you have a bad night. (Fear of something, I had a bad day, etc.) It is now 9th
But we found that treatment of allergies is sleepwalking, of course, refused because he is able to breathe better and sleep better. Even with natural alternatives to their moods, which tend to help part of ADHD, not to have a negative many nights.

Denim said...

Okay. I have ADHD and have never experince problems with bed wetting, since I was a child. Sometimes, nightmares and bedwetting is caused by drinking too much before he / she goes to bed. Bedwetting praticaly exist in all children. Would you rule out the theory that only 65% of the world has ADHD and replaced by 98%? Because that is exactly what you're saying!

here_nor... said...

This is the oxalates. My daughter has ADHD and has been in the urine of problems to his report tells of chocolate, suffered (rich in oxalic acid) to fit their problems in the urine. Later she found the whole wheat bread is the same (white bread), no problem. What is sleepwalking or night terrors is part of the whole that hypoglycemia associated with ADHD. Reduce foods containing phenol staining can be seen for a few weeks (artificial apples, grapes, etc.) and the difference. If you are very careful, you may be able to establish correlations with food to incontinence and sleep disturbances. Also, try to give them something with protein before the sugar in the blood for one or two hours sleep does not decrease after going to bed. My daughter keeps the kind of chocolate chips and cake on their own initiative, because it impacts on. Not even to strengthen it. Observation is your best friend.

Mimi_12 said...

Children with ADHD are prabably sodium retention before going to sleep and now u kno

rbkhroll... said...

Hello! My son has ADHD and enuresis. I have some time with him!

rbkhroll... said...

Hello! My son has ADHD and enuresis. I have some time with him!

babygirl said...

my sis sometimes bedwetting you are not sure ur lactosintolerent? My sister and therefore bedwetting ...

Muskratb... said...

I had the same problem with bed-wetting, which was very embarrassing to say the least!

I am 29 years old and was recently diagnosed with ADHD. My mother and my sisters were diagnosed years ago, and I suspect, from his recently that I decided to do something.

But I am also sexuallly abuse, which were also associated with bed-wetting in combination. I was asleep, as well, and my mother had a complicated lock on the door to install, after waking up to find the door open, and I was on the road in my dream.

celine83... said...

Yes, there are

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