Thursday, February 18, 2010

Egypt Holiday Going To Egypt For Holiday. Is There Anything Tourists Should Know About Local Customs Etc?

Going to Egypt for holiday. Is there anything tourists should know about local customs etc? - egypt holiday

Hello, we have holiday in Egypt some time in the summer.
I want to learn about local customs, like the things that are considered appropriate or inappropriate.
I read with clothing that has to be below the knee and arm? And what is the legislation on bathing suits and gender.
I do not want to offend anyone, and if any advice is greatly appreciated, would


MACer said...

You can find all the information available about the time to walk the streets, but usually try to cover as much skin and hair as possible.

G. #2 said...

I tell you:

- In the hotel, feel free to do what he wants to swim walk with the sleeves cut off, shorts, bikini, either.

- In the street, but try not to reveal to use, you can wear T-shirts, but do not try to cut the sleeves and do not reflect the parts of the body such as breasts. You can wear shorts, but preferably not too short above the knee.


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