Friday, November 6, 2009

Messages In Wedding Cards What Messages Do You Put In Muslim Wedding Cards?

What messages do you put in Muslim Wedding cards? - messages in wedding cards

My Muslim friends to get married and I have a blank card that I have a message in which somnthing means to them. Ideas?


HELLO!!! said...

You can say in writing Salaam (yet to start, but) in a islamicy courses and other formal way. You can then congratulations and everything would write personally.
So if you want you can write Mashallah (gods will), will make a nice couple or so Inshallah (God) answered all your prayers and so Inshallah (God willing) will be a beautiful life.
Lol ... I tried to

gnomey91 said...

Idk some marriages, the marriage of a simple Congratualations personal message would be good in some card shops can be found butu a map of the Muslim Marriage mites to go online

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